Tithes originate from the word tenth. It means giving a tenth of all the earnings to God, as a sacrifice. Paying tithes was practiced before the law. Gen.14:20, “….then Abraham gave Him a tenth of everything.” This is also the first example of giving tithes in the scripture. Jacob promised God in Gen.28:22, “And this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house, & of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.” It is commanded under grace in the New Testament (Mt.23:23; Rom.2:22; 1Cor.9:7-14; 16:2, Gal.6:6; Heb.7:1-10)
Now-a-days people are hardly aware of this very simple ‘offering’ to God, which is an agreement between God & man (Gen.28:22).
Gods set standards on tithing:
Malachi1:6-14, gives us an insight to what God expects from us, on the standards of giving tithes. In the simplest language, He explains us the difference between the quality of tithes we give Him & the quality expected from us. Further, more it shows us a painful picture of God asking us in V13 “… when you bring injured, crippled or diseased animals, should I accept them from your hands?” It also gives us a comparison that when we give our leaders of the society, we give the best, but when it comes to God, we rob Him of the goods, for our personal gain. V14 reads, “I am a great King” say’s the Lord Almighty & “My name is to be feared among the nations.” This simply implores that we should not cheat Him, at the same time having POWER to bless us abundantly.
Blessings of tithing:
Another reading from Malachi 3:6-12 reading teaches us on what is done with the tithes & the blessings showered on giving tithes. It also speaks on robbing (cheating) God in the matter of tithing. V8 says about robbing God. Robbing God in the tithes & offerings, we are supposed to give Him. In V10 God commands man to bring all the tithes into the storehouse (which usually in Israel was the Church). This therefore, indicates the purpose of tithing that is to support the work of God in general. Further on God challenges man to prove if He doesn’t bless mankind, on giving tithes to God.
V10-12 mentions about 6 blessings of tithing.
1.Meat in Gods’ house – probably today implies no lack of money to carry on Gods’ work, like building new Churches, giving alms to the poorer section of the Church etc. (V10)
2.Opening the windows of heaven to pour out a blessing, so great that there will not be room enough to store it. (2Chr.31; Neh.13; Pr.3:9-10; Mal.3:8-10)
3.Preventing pests from destroying crops.
4.All nations will recognize, for ours will be a blessed land. Isaiah35 says that desserts will have water springs with rose blossoming there when the Messiah reigns.
5.God prospers man that proves that He does give bountifully to those who give Him, & never remains a debtor to any human being. (1Cor.16:12) Similarly Pr.3:9-10, reads, “9Honour the Lord with thy substance, & with thy 1st fruits of all your increase. 10So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, & thy presses shall burst out with new wine.” V9 is a command for giving tithes, as well a call to honor the promise between man & God (Gen.28:22). V10 promises a return so huge that there will not be enough room to store the blessings.
6.God’s ministers will have enough to survive (1Cor.9:7-14; Mal.3:8-1Tim.5:17-18)
Curse on Robbing God in tithing: Verse8-9 brings a curse to the whole nation for robbing God of the tithes & offerings. The tithes & offerings belong to God by virtue of a covenant between God & man; & to use them for personal gain is robbery of what rightly belongs to God.
Purpose of tithing:
1. A tenth of all the tithes we give shall be for the Priests. Num.10:37, Neh.10:37; 1Cor.9:12-14, “13.Don’t you know that those1 who work in the temple, & those who serve at the alter share in what is offered on the alter? 14.In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.” This is also mentioned in Mt.10:10; Mk.6:8; Lk.9:3, were-in Jesus strictly instructs His disciples not to spend lives on making provision for self before obeying the word of God. It simply instructs “GO WHEN YOU ARE CALLED” & you will be taken care off.
1. The ministers in the temple had the right to be supported by the temple, for they spent there time for God’s ministry. These people included: those who ministered the Holy things – the Clergymen & those who waited on the Alter. It also included those who preached the gospel.
2. A tenth of the tithes every 3 years should go to the poor, widows, orphans, sick & destitute. Dt.26:12-14
Jesus teaches on tithing.
Lk.11:42; Mt.23:23, “Woe to you, teachers of the law & Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices – mint, dill & cumin. But you have neglected the most important matters of the law – justice, mercy & faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.” Here Jesus clearly teaches about the inward state of man. He commands & respects purity of heart, by cleansing our inner selves (Mt.23:26) first & then not forgetting to practice the law of tithing. In religion, the inner state of the heart is more important than the outward appearance.
This reading can also be considered as the foundation stone/the doctrine of tithing. Thus, it calls for the inner purity & then practice of law.
The Bible also charges the rich of this world not to drunk in the riches of this world, but to share 1Tim.6:17-19, “17Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 18Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, & to be generous & willing to share. 19In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”
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